Thursday, October 18, 2012

Feed Me Well & Nourish My Soul

i woke up early to start my day, most of which, consisted with a lot of time by myself. much needed me time was a must as i needed to replenish my attitude towards work. the past two days have been dreadfully stressful that i found myself feeling bitter & extremely frustrated. no matter how hard the work place can be i try to always remain thankful to the fact that in today's tough economy i even have a job. however, these past two days have proved to be so stressful that gratitude was buried amongst the bitterness. thankfully, i was able to get back to that feeling of gratitude with some quiet time & girl nights in.

also, my spirit is in need of nourishment. i realize just how equally important as is nourishing our physical bodies. when negative feelings easily evade my mind instead of positivity & hope, i know i must stay faithful & diligent in my daily devotionals & prayer.

Monday, October 15, 2012

birthday wishes

i wished for something simple that i always pray about. i hope it comes true before entering a new decade next year.

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Good Company

theirs nothing like the company of great friends to bring a smile onto my face.