Friday, September 5, 2014

frenchie fridays

im looking forward to a weekend filled with birthdays, baptism, volunteer, good food, & even greater company!

its been awhile since ive posted a photo of iggy but make no still as smitten as when we first took him home. he really is my little ray of sunshine.

i started my granny squares for my fall throw a few days ago & as im crocheting iggy just so lovingly wedges himself next to me to keep me company. such a sweet boy! 

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

september scripture challenge

i'm participating in my first bible study challenge. every morning id write in my prayer journal whatever is in my heart..sorta like a conversation with god. however, i find myself going on & on, sometimes thanking jesus sometimes ranting with no direction. i found kristin schmuckers september scripture challenge through a hashtag via instagram & thought what a wonderful opportunity to read the bible with direction. to be more disciplined & intentional every morning drawing nearer to christ. 

im in day 2 of the reading galations so i thought id share my thoughts.

no one can please god by simply obeying the law. so we put our faith in christ jesus & god accepted us because of our faith. galations 2:16

i have died but christ lives in me. & i now live by faith in the son of god, who loved me & gave his life for me. i don't turn my back on god's undeserved kindness. it we can be acceptable to god by obeying the law, it was useless for christ to die. galations 2:20-21

i grew up in strict practicing catholic home, praying the rosary every saturdays, bible school every sundays, & also attending a private catholic school. while everyones experience is different, later on in life i felt as if i were operating on auto pilot not really knowing christ as i should have given my up bringing. i followed both cultural and catholic mores. it became about the do's & dont's. the should's & should not's. the good & bad. the guilt when i didn't do what i suppose to. the praise when i felt like i earned gods love because i did something right. their was a point in my life where i wanted nothing to do with organized religion. 8 years ago my best friend invited me to a christian church & my life has change since then. i no longer operate on auto pilot rather i seek relational union with christ. i put my faith in jesus christ & him alone. 

i'm thankful for this path he is leading me to. for his guidance & blessings. for his unconditional & undeserved love wether i do something right or wrong.