Monday, March 3, 2014


im making my way down the list of my 2014 cooking goals. cooking & baking dishes that always seemed to intimidate me.  a few weeks ago i had a girlfriends day in date with my gf & off we were to making pavlova! she gave me a few tips regarding baking meringue as i remembered cooking them in the past & my meringue never turned out right. hence, why its on my 2014 cooking goals. it turned out aboslutely perfect with enough crunch & chewiness! it was a success & i was happy the turn out. i made fresh the whipped topping & cut up strawberries & mango. what i love about the pavlova is the flexibility in taste by changing up the fruits based on whats in season! i can envision an autumn pavlova with figs, apples, & pears! 

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